Monday, August 9, 2010

E.Learning and Podcasting

Podcasting and audio recordings have many uses in real life contexts, i.e. guided walking tours, music recording, story-telling (audio books), training and talk shows (CQ University, 2010.) Real life contexts filter into the classroom when the teacher provides learning experiences that enhance students' learning through the use of the technology and in a real life context. For example used to introduce radio presenting or talk shows, students can write scripts or answer questions relating to learnt or researched topics. Podcasts are particularly useful in fostering students' reflections on their learning. Another positive aspect about podcasting is that it is an exciting form of communication between students and teachers, making it effective when used with distance learners (CQ University, 2010. Langwitches Blog, 2010.)

Here is my first attempt it has been created through PodOmatic.

My first Podcast.

Here is my second attempt at a podcast. Music lessons, the Family Day Care children love music. They love singing and playing their instruments, sometimes making it up as they go along. I suggested to them how wonderful it would be to record their songs and put them onto my iPod so we can listen to them whenever we feel like it. We could also play it for their Mummies and Daddies when they come to collect them at the end of the day. The children all really liked this idea and at the end of the activity, they were very proud of themselves.

I found this to be very useful as an educational tool. The children were engaged in the actual Music learning experience, and they were very interested to know how the music gets onto my mobile phone, then onto the computer (iTunes), and then finally onto my iPod.

This activity provided me with great feedback both during the activity and afterwards when replaying the recording (Podcast). So here it is, you might not want your volume up too loud...

Podcast No.2 & No.3


CQ University (2010). FAHE11001 - Managing E-Learning: Digital Tool 3: Podcasting. Accessed August 9, 2010 from

Langwitches Blog. (2010). Langwitches Blog: It’s Not About the Tools. It’s About the Skills. Accessed August 9, 2010 from

PodOmatic Inc. (2010). PodOmatic. Accessed July 9, 2010, from

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